September 17, 2024

WorkIT News: International Coworking Day: Celebrating Our 7th Anniversary


On August 9th we celebrated 7 years of coworking here at 901 S. Main St. It was also International Coworking Day! We celebrated by offering free coworking that day, along with a fun members potluck with delicious food, and quite a few door prizes! Prizes included a Fall Decor Basket, a $30 Stonecloud Gift Certificate, $25 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory GC, $50 Miso GC, Jewelry made by DearBritt, A Custom Mug design from PopTopInk, 2 $20 gift certificates to The WorkIT Store, & 5 gift bags! We had a lot of people walk away winning! Thanks to everyone who brought a delicious dish and helped make this event so memorable!



A portion of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

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