September 25, 2024

Community Table Corner

Why do we need a coworking center when we could all be working from home?

A coworking center is much more than just a place to escape home distractions like chores, electronics, pets, kids, and other loved ones. To be honest, there are distractions at WorkIT too. It’s easy to get caught up in "water cooler" conversations or take a stroll around downtown. We often meet people who just walk in off the street and share their stories.

The reason we need a coworking center is perhaps not to eliminate distractions, but to change them. At WorkIT, you might find yourself in an unplanned conversation that introduces you to a new application, inspires a fresh idea, or offers a networking opportunity you never imagined.

Of course, if you truly want to be free of distractions, the upstairs area is good option. But I encourage you to embrace a change of distraction. A smiling baby, entrepreneurs brainstorming, or even a silly dad joke might be just what you need to recharge, refocus, and get more work done than before!

*Do you have a question you'd like addressed here? Or a topic you'd like discussed? Send your questions, comments, or ideas for the Community Table Corner to: [email protected]

A portion of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

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