Casual Scene Books and Art is a small, independent bookstore and art gallery located at 916 S. Lewis in downtown Stillwater, OK. Our store offers a curated selection of literature with a focus on modern classics. The art gallery will host work from artists both near and far.
Collecting books for two decades, we have always had it in the back of our minds to one day open a bookstore. When our current location became available, we knew this was our opportunity to realize our dream. Our goal is to provide an environment where one can find something they didn’t know they were looking for. The art chosen for exhibition should provoke thought and inspiration. The books on the shelves should be enjoyed alone, or shared with friends. The shop, a space for meeting, discussion, etc.
Casual Scene Books and Art takes part in Downtown Stillwater’s “Third Friday” activities. The next event, September 20th, will see an exhibition of new paintings and ceramics by Melissa Jacobs. Sweet treats will be available, as well, prepared by chef Angela Chase.