July 23, 2024

Business Spotlight: Belinda Before Books

Belinda Bruner Before Books believes in early "reading" through experience with nature; her motto for learning is "read the earth."

"We get nurturing and strength by being firmly rooted in the soil," Dr. Bruner says, "and from infancy we are learning signs, seasons, and symbols by exploring the natural world through our senses. There are many more than five," she adds, laughing.

Belinda Bruner Before Books provides a "non-monetary exchange" of ideas, information, and language and writing skills. The basic goal of this business is to help people remember or realize their worth through the discovery or improvement of their voice.

Belinda Bruner is a published writer who is currently working on a novel based on her great-grandmother's being kidnapped into the Mexican Revolution. Belinda believes our ancestors' stories form our memories and shape our values.

One value of Belinda Bruner Before Books is to provide free or low cost educational opportunities, especially to populations underserved in the arts. She regularly presents at Seasoned Adults with the First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater, runs a free for members writing group called Write for Delight, and during the pandemic she created curriculum to help friends who suddenly found themselves homeschooling, perhaps without teacher training. A long-term goal is to create a group of empowered people who will assist others in finding and using their voice.

If you know someone who needs to belong to Write for Delight, or if you know of anyone struggling to learn, reach out to this not for profit business. Belinda Bruner Before Books might be able to help.

A portion of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

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