Nathan Cheever owns Stillwater Lokal Life and is a member at WorkIT. He answered some questions for us regarding his business to share. Stillwater Lokal Life (and Nathans) contact info is: 405-269-6045 [email protected] stillwaterlokallife.com (you can also pick up a copy of the paper at WorkIT for $1)
What inspired you to start/purchase/work with this business? So many experiences, books I've read, etc. but ultimately it was Stillwater itself -- the people, the history, the landscape, and the vibe I got here -- that somehow activated it all. In a different place, I don't think it would have happened.
I spent months studying successful newspapers, and by successful, I mean high percentage of readership in their communities. I started to learn what makes a good great local paper and I just loved the idea so much I just wanted to try.
- What has been your biggest success to date? Putting out our first print edition.
- What has been your biggest challenge? Putting out our first print edition.
- What inspires you to hit the ground running each morning? To create a small but real piece of local culture for locals that, hopefully, serves to celebrate the ordinary, lift[ing] up the heroism of everyday life.
- What's an interesting fact about your business that most people don't know? Probably that we're doing this from scratch.
- As a member of WorkIT Coworking Center, how does being a member help you? Having an office for an address is one perk. The location right on main street is perfect - it helps me feel part of the town. The best thing has been the conversations and learning from others.
- When you're not working, what is your favorite thing to be doing? Having down time with my family and enjoying time with friends. I love pickleball, road biking, long hikes (to clear my mind). I love discussing ideas, history, philosophy (I'm a big fan of Plato), literature, religion, writing, ...just nerdy stuff I guess.
- Any other thoughts or comments you would like to include? Probably the most interesting thing about me is I once got a job because I could make a cricket sound.