November 28, 2022

How to Develop Gratitude at Work: 6 Ways

Everyone is aware of the value of actively expressing gratitude. Being kind increases our happiness, strengthens our ability to withstand hardship, lowers stress and anxiety, and even benefits our general health. And being grateful isn't simply something for our personal lives, either. It's crucial to develop an atmosphere of gratitude in the workplace. You might even notice a boost in happiness and productivity as a result. In light of this, here are six ways to develop a more grateful workplace culture.

  1. Go inward - It's okay to sometimes express gratitude to other people. According to one study, people's moods and motivation are boosted when they appreciate their contributions and even small successes at work. Keep a gratitude journal for yourself. And skimming can give you the push you need when feeling low on energy or defeated.
  2. Keep seeking many instances to express appreciation - See the positive aspects of numerous circumstances or encounters that you might otherwise overlook in your daily life. Additionally, be grateful for the innumerable diverse actions, qualities, and behaviors that team members bring to the table daily at work.
  3. Be impulsive - Try to have note cards in your desk drawer so that you may take a few minutes to write a note to a coworker to let them know what they did and how it made you feel when they do something you admire. Importantly, share it with them after that.
  4. In challenging circumstances, practice gratitude - Being grateful is simple when things are going well. Even though it may be more challenging to be thankful for the situations that also teach us something, it's crucial to build gratitude for them. For instance, if your supervisor gave you some challenging comments, you can express gratitude for the chance to learn from it.
  5. Keep a journal - One of the finest ways to exercise your thankfulness muscles is to make it a writing practice, whether you use a notepad or your phone. Making a list can be quick and straightforward on some days and longer and more in-depth on others. The main thing is to write; try not to criticize yourself too much.
  6. Make it personal - Our modern methods of communication, such as using our devices, can make it difficult to show our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts. Say something like, "Hey, that thing you did really influenced me, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you," preferably offline.


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