This is Jessica Hannon, afternoon manager at WorkIT. I’m hijacking Kristen’s Korner to give you some news. After a year and a half of having the blessing of serving all of you at WorkIT, I am moving on to a new job at Meridian Technology. I am excited about my new opportunity but I am sad to leave all of you, my coworkers and our reoccurring customers. I will remain a member of course to take advantage of all the perks available to us all. Plus, this ensures we will cross paths in the future for sure.
Thank you for helping ensure my transition into the non-self-employed workforce was a positive experience. I’ve gained so much wisdom from conversations and observations over these past 18 months. I’ve also gained a lot of laughs and memories. I’d like to leave you with a final dad joke since I won’t be making one every week on the board at the office anymore. Oh! And don’t forget to water the plants on fridays! 😉
Dad Joke: My coworkers laugh at my jokes in in-person meetings, but never in online meetings. When I asked them why, they said that my jokes weren't remotely funny.