September 29, 2023

Member of the Month: Becky Teague

Congratulations to Becky Teague for being selected as October's Member of the Month! Hello, my name is Becky Teague. I’m the Broker/Owner of Becky Teague Real Estate and have enjoyed selling, buying and managing properties in Stillwater for over 25 years.

The face of Real Estate has changed over the years and I believe for the better. What used to be a fairly intense and stressful process has now become more informal and casual. The need for a ‘formal’ staffed office has given way to a different attitude and approach.

This is what led me to be part of a joint office space, hence Work-it. It ticks off all the boxes… cost-effective, versatile, and all while adding more networking opportunities with fellow members.

On a personal note, I arrived in Stillwater as a child and loved the experience of growing up in a family-friendly, close-knit community. Oklahoma State added to the fun with all of their extracurricular offerings that I enjoyed taking advantage of from sports, summer camps, and just to romping around campus. A true small town with a big ‘feel’!

Stillwater has afforded me much fulfillment both personally and professionally. Grateful for the opportunities, I have stepped up and served in leadership roles as they presented themselves, giving back to this great community…President of the Board of Realtors, multi-years serving on the same board in different capacities; Apartment Association President for multiple years; serving as the President of the Stillwater Planning Commission for multiple years with a total service of over 13 years and currently I serve on both the Excise Board and Board of Equalization for Payne County with 9 years service to both of these Boards.

I love to travel and because of my love of dogs, especially mine, my partner and I chose the MotorCoach lifestyle to seek fun and adventure years ago. Of course, this way of travel has its limitation to the Mainland but we have embraced the great United States from coast to coast, north and south, and all that’s in between. My current pup, Captain Cruise has frolicked in 19 states and even one of my favorite quotes is by Mark Twain, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.”

Food, folks, and fun are another great passion of mine. I approach food as an adventure and always look forward to my next new tastes and smells. Whether I’m eating out or cooking at home, my age shows in that I still set a table for dinner (usually themed) daily.

I am blessed to have found the family of WorkIt…grateful to the people I have met and the ones that remain on my horizon.

On a final note, a philosophy that I have lived by and strive for was said best by Walt Disney…”If you can dream it, you can do it.”

A portion of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

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(405) 622-3882[email protected]