May 4, 2023

Pet Corner: Bruce

Racheal Mack and her husband set off to go look at dogs at the shelter, wanting to fill their new and first home with more love. They instantly gravitated to Bruce, he was calmly watching them, very stoic but big grin. They instantly fell in love, put in the application and had to wait nervously till next day hoping nobody would take him. They went back and picked him up and he was so happy to have a family although he didn‘t like car rides and still is not a fan as much. He bonded with their other dog right away and they found out that he loves balls, he will hold it in his mouth as he falls asleep. He is 2 years old we found out, and is half lab, and half stafford terrier mix. His mom was a full breed lab mix. He has the look of a pitbull but he's one of the most loving and sweet animals they've ever owned. He gets along with other dogs, good with kids and anyone really. Thanks for listening to Bruce's story.

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