Recent Posts

January 3, 2023
Member of the Month: Tanya Vaughn

WorkIT: January 2023 Member of the Month

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December 23, 2022
How to Beat Interview Paralysis

Nobody likes interviewing, but one phenomenon, known as interview paralysis, has an extraordinary capacity to elude our preparedness. The name pretty well sums up what's occurring: frozen anxiety that happens before and/or during an interview. It makes it nearly impossible to go into an interview and provide your best effort to amaze the interviewers. Each […]

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December 16, 2022
7 Employee Motivation Techniques that Increase Productivity

How we connect and communicate with our employees can significantly impact their motivation and effectiveness. You should be able to increase workplace engagement and productivity with these seven employee psychological tactics and motivating strategies. Source:

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November 28, 2022
How to Develop Gratitude at Work: 6 Ways

Everyone is aware of the value of actively expressing gratitude. Being kind increases our happiness, strengthens our ability to withstand hardship, lowers stress and anxiety, and even benefits our general health. And being grateful isn't simply something for our personal lives, either. It's crucial to develop an atmosphere of gratitude in the workplace. You might even […]

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November 21, 2022
6 Advantages of Creativity in the Workplace

Being efficient, mission-driven, and organized are the foundations of productivity. On the contrary, both individuals and teams find that creativity is a significant asset in the workplace. Being creative boosts problem-solving abilities in addition to confidence and teamwork. Here are the six advantages of creativity in the workplace. Source:

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November 7, 2022
5 Strategies for Increasing Meeting Effectiveness

The third most prominent source of wasted time at work is meetings. Meetings, whether in groups or one-on-one, can take up to 50% of a worker's time. Meetings, though, are not necessarily bad. Meetings are a crucial tool in business for exchanging information, resolving issues, and assessing progress. However, they must be controlled and used […]

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July 1, 2022
WorkIT July 2022 E-Newsletter

Read the Newsletter for July 2022.

Upcoming Events:
• Lunch and Learn
• Tai Chi: Tuesday
• International Coworking Day
• WorkIT 5th Anniversary Potluck
• Free Coworking Day

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June 1, 2022
WorkIT June 2022 E-Newsletter

Read the Newsletter for June 2022.

Upcoming Events:
• Art Walk, Bike Night, Car Show, Shop Till Dark
• Lunch and Learn Marketing Roundtable
• Tai Chi: Tuesday

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May 1, 2022
WorkIT May 2022 E-Newsletter

Read the Newsletter for May 2022.

Upcoming Events:
• Walk This May with the WorkIT Walkateers
• Tai Chi Tuesdays
• The Myths of Grief: Lunch and Learn
• Memorial Day (Office Closed)
• NCO EXPO: (Set-up)

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April 1, 2022
WorkIT April 2022 E-Newsletter

Read the Newsletter for April 2022.

Upcoming Events:
• Lunch and Learn: Tech Saving Tech Tips!
• Tax Day
• Tai Chi, Tuesday

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