April 1, 2022

WorkIT April 2022 E-Newsletter

Thank you for being members of our coworking space!

Upcoming Events:

• Lunch & Learn: Time Saving Tech Tips, Wed 4/13/22 @12-1PM
• Tax Day, Mon 4/18/22 Reminder!
• Tai Chi, Tue 4/19/22 @1:30PM

Lunch & Learn: Time Saving Tech Tips, Wed 4/13/22 @12-1PM 

This month we will be hosting part two of the two-part “Tech Tips” series. If you missed last month's “Lunch & Learn”, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Come by to learn some helpful tips and eat some great food. This event will be held the second Wednesday of the month, April 13th @12-1 PM. Hope you can attend!

Tax Day, Mon 4/18/22 Reminder!
Since tax day does not land on the typical date, we wanted to remind all of our members and/or business owners that tax day is April 18th this year. That’s the first Monday after Easter. Good luck and happy filing.     

Tai Chi, Tue 4/19/22 @1:30PM

Join us for Tai Chi the third Tuesday of the month in the conference room, upstairs at WorkIT @1:30PM. Instructor Lisa O'Donnell will teach us Tai Chi for better balance. Members only, all skill levels welcome! Please RSVP on the Facebook event or [email protected] as space is limited. Again, that is April 19th @ 1:30 PM. Come by for a good stretch!

PSA: Mailing Changes
We would like to request that all members use their assigned suite number for future mailing. Due to our increased number of memberships, this will assure you receive your expected mail. Thank you!

Member of the Month:
Angela Pradia

A little about Angela:
Life Coaching - by New Leaf Coaching - is a one-of-a-kind service that helps you make better choices, build better relationships, and feel more fulfilled. If you're looking for tools to help you take control of your life, we've got you covered. Life Coaching is a unique blend of coaching and personal development that involves weekly phone calls with a professional coach for several weeks. During these phone calls, we'll talk about your goals and challenges in your life and career so that we can work together to develop practical solutions. 

Pet Spotlight:

Lucy Hadley
She is a 10-year-old pit/lab mix we rescued as a stray. Lucy enjoys long afternoon naps, loves pumpkin and chicken treats, and her favorite thing in the world is to go on a walk. We can't say the word "walk" in our house without her hearing us and she will run to the front door and bark loudly demanding that we go right now! Patience is not in her nature, but we still love her dearly. 

A portion of all proceeds are donated to local charities.

© Copyright 2017 - 2025 - WorkIT Coworking Center, LLC- All Rights Reserved


(405) 622-3882[email protected]